
Group Walks

1.5 Hour Adventure Walk

Allow your pup to enjoy group off-leash adventure hikes through the plush forest trails of Vancouver or perhaps enjoy some socialization at the off-leash dog parks and beaches. Your dog can look forward to lots of running, swimming, fetching sticks and chasing their fellow buddies! We will also work on basic obedience techniques including including good off-leash behavior and recall.

This adventure is great for dogs who have high energy and are looking to burn off a lot of steam each day.


  • 1.5 Hour Adventure Walk $45

    Price subject to tax


  • 2nd Dog of the
    Same Household

* No group walk on stat holidays
* Prices subject to tax

Walk Schedule


Private Walks

Private Pee Breaks!

Perhaps your pup has a rough time keeping up with the pack – no problem! We offer private walks and small pee breaks for those pups who prefer some one-on-one time with their walker.

This adventure is great for small puppies who are not ready to keep up with the pack, senior pups who do not want to keep up with the pack, or for pups with behaviour challenges, special needs or who are not neutered or spayed.

Our private walks are done in your neighbourhood. Depending on your dogs suitability, we can either do an on-leash walk around your hood or play at an off-leash dog park if one is close by.

The schedule depends upon availability of the walker – please contact us to book a walk.


  • 15 min Pee Break $30
  • 30 Minute Walk $37
  • 60 Minute Walk $50


  • 2nd Dog of the Same Household +$25
  • Evenings and Weekends +$15

* No walk on stat holidays
* Prices subject to tax

Walk Schedule

* Depends on availability


Boarding Services

Slumber Party in "Our Home"

We know your dog would much rather cuddle up on the couch with their dog walker than stay in a tiny kennel space while you are gone. Cats and other pets are also warmly welcomed. Mi Casa Es Su Casa – let your pets kick back in a home-like environment with one of our qualified pack members. In our households, they are treated more like royalty than family. We will do our best to follow their everyday routine and make their stay with us as comfortable as possible.


  • Overnight Rate $105

    Overnight Pet-Sitting:
    The overnight charge is $105/night until 10 am the following morning.

    Pick-Up Guidelines:
    • Dogs must be picked-up by 10am the following morning.
    • If pick-up is after 10am, a rate of $25 per hour will apply until the total reaches the overnight rate of $105.
    • After that, dogs must be picked up before 8pm or an additional $25 per hour fee will begin to incur again.

  • Daycare Services $105

    Pet-Sitting at our home for up to 3 hours with our undivided attention on your pup while you are out for the day.

  • Additional Daycare Hourly Rate .......................... $30

    Pet-Sitting hourly rate after 3 hours.


  • Additional
    Household Dog
    20% off
  • Extra Care Services $20/day

    Additional fees will apply to puppies under 1 year of age and senior dogs with disabilities, medications or incontinence

  • Pick-up/Drop-off Shuttle Service $25

    Rates start at $25 per way depending on location.

  • Long Weekends & Stat Holidays Daily Rate $25

    An additional $25 charge per day ($75 surcharge for a full weekend)​ * Holiday rate will also apply to Peak Seasons (Dec 15 – Jan 15) * Prices subject to tax

*ADDITIONAL NOTE: Adventure Walks are are not included in our overnight services.


What to Pack


Pet Sitting in Your Home

Slumber Party in "Your Home"

Animal lovers like us realize it is less stressful for your pets to stay in their own home instead of a stranger’s home or a kennel while you’re away.

An experienced member of our pack would be happy to stay in your home and look after your pets and household! We will gather your mail and newspapers, water your plants and administer any medication to your pets if necessary.

This service is excellent for homes with multiple pets (dogs, cats, fish etc.), elderly pets or pets who need special care.


PLEASE NOTE:  Adventure walks are not included in our overnight services.

  • Additional Dog 40% Off
  • Additional Cat $10
  • Long Weekend & Stat Holidays $25

    An additional $25 charge per day ($75 surcharge for a full weekend)

* Holiday rate will also apply to Peak Seasons (Dec 15 – Jan 15)
* Additional fees will apply to puppies and senior dogs with disabilities or incontinence
* Prices subject to tax


Refer A Friend!

Get a free walk when you refer a friend to us. Details in the service agreement – get in touch to find out more.

Have you heard?

Refer a friend and get a free walk! Please get in touch to let us know if you’re referring someone.